Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Big C - MK Restaurants

We came to Big C shopping mall for lunch. There were many choices around at the top floor. However MK catches our eyes with it's huge MK sign. We stood outside the restaurant looking thru the menu while i spy the diners inside. Seems like everyone's having steamboat.

GF dun takes spicy stuffs so i had to be extra careful of the choice of meals. Steamboat seems like a good choice.

We ordered loads of meats, vegs, dumplings, eggs, prawns...The soup base was full of wholesome veg sweetness. Wow! even thou the ice green tea was free flow, i prefer the soup over the drink. Damn... it was good stuff. The marinated pork slices were extremely good. The texture was almost like chewing on freshly cooked prawns. I have never tasted pork this way!~!~. The rest of the stuffs were good but it's the reason of simple but good ingredients that makes a perfect meal!~!~!

They have got this special sauce which taste like the "zhu chang fen" sauce we have here in Singapore. Another worth mentioning sauce was the light brown sauce which they served with the meat. It tasted like the tempura dipping sauce but with a slight sour punch. It's good!

We saw Burger King on our way back. Made a mental note to come back to try. GF have this thing abt trying the fastfood chains in another country. I aint complainting.

Got loads of fruits back from Big C. We love the way they slices the fruits up. And their fruits were good and cheap. Well except for that stall selling mangoes outside Asia Hotel who sold me one mango for 60thb. And did i mention they were very sour!

Apart from that, the melons were extremely fresh and sweet. Cost like 15 to 25baht.

Before i came, i made a note to try this dessert which i often had at the Thailand fair in singapore. They are like little fruits and vegetables. Inside is a generous filling of huang dou sa. Yummy!~!~


  1. the food in ur blog makes me lao nua can..the first ting i am going to eat when i touch down will be MK..cheap n great!!!!!

  2. yup u should try MK's marinated pork. we found it damn solid. ;) hope u have a wonderful trip
