Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Godiva Chocolatier's Chocolixir

CityLink # B1-49
1 Raffles Link
CityLink Mall
(65) 6238-0819
(65) 6238-0639

I first read about Godiva Chocolatier's Chocolixir off Simmie's blog . The rave reviews about it creates some kind of craving or rather anticipation for Godiva Singapore to introduce this fabulous beverage here in sunny Singapore.
We didn't wait long. Soon after we heard we can now taste the ultimate Chocolate lover's drink at Godiva Citylink ( not so sure if Millenia Walk or Taka does carries this item thou ). For S$8, this is steep for a ice-blend chocolate beverage. But this is Godiva Chocolatier's Chocolixir!~!~! Ice-blended
Godiva 72% Extra Dark Chocolate pieces with rich dark chocolate flavors.

Being the non-hardcore chocolate fan ( can't say the same for GF thou ), just the 1st sip won me over. The thick full-bodied dark chocolate flavours filled the mouth, slidding smoothly down the throat without being overly bitter. This is really good stuff!~!~! GF couldn't stop slipping the drink. Damn it is this good!~!~!

And if you're Chocoholic, please dun venture into Godvia alone. Unless you wanna come out of the store with loads of chocolates, not to mention a big dent in the pockets. Godiva Chocolatier's Chocolixir is definately worth the try!~!~!~


    But i can't drink coz i m sick!!! argh!!!! :(

  2. tried it upon your recommendation..hahah..its good..but oh so sinful....

  3. elin : alamak! what happened? too much bah kwa and cashew nuts during CNY ? drink more water yeah and rest well. ;)

    Anonymous : Thanks and i'm glad u like it!~yeah it's very sinful.. so once a while should be okie ;)
