Saturday, December 10, 2005

What a night

Went back to office this morning to clear some paperwork for the SMU Project that i'm handling. After which i made my way down to dear's place. Got my all-time favourite Prawn Noodle from the stall near my workplace, the soup version for dear cause she can't really take hot stuffs, and the dry version for myself. I like it with the extra chilli.

What's so different about the prawn noodles from this stall as compared to others ( read "Ren Ren Da Xia Mian" ) ? Well for a start, their soup is the main reason why people come back time after time for their prawn noodles. Unlike most other prawn noodles stall ( of course with the exception of the famous prawn noodle stall at Adams Road, or the one at MacPherson, or the one at Commonwealth Drive ), the soup base taste simply wonderful. You can taste the full favours of fresh suculent prawns in the soup. And the best of all, the sweetness of the soup comes from the fresh prawns, unlike others which uses lot's of palm sugar or MSG to make thier version of the soup more "sweet". My bet is that they have an evil conspiracy with the coffeeshop, an evil conspiracy to make people thristy so they will get more drinks...

Anyway, their homemade chilli sauce is one of the best i've tried. Mixed in the freshly cooked noodles and fried pork lard, the bowl of dry prawn noodles is ready to be devour..... In their bowl of prawn noodles, you'll find around 4 to 5 pieces of fresh boiled and deviled prawns. Their not as big as the ones that the Adam Rd stall sells, but definately as fresh, if not fresher.

Anyway, i got 2 packets to go. Buying up to have it for lunch with dear since her parents went out to send the wedding invitation for Jeffery's big day. Metup with a very interesting taxi-driver who nearly drove me crazy listening to his jokes and life stories...

In the evening we headed out to Parkway Parade to shop. Bought a gift for dear's friend, shopped around. Happen to see something interesting there.

Wanted to have Bah Kut Teh for dinner at Balestier but we somehow missed our way and ended having a late dinner at Holland Drive. Dinner was a huge serving of hearty XO Fish Bee Hoon and and equally huge serving of Hah Jiong Gai ( Prawn paste chicken ). Those Fish slices they use are damn thick!~!~ freshness wise, tonight was a bit off the mark but then again overall was a great dinner and we both enjoyed it.

Actually i think we were just plain hungry. But company does makes a huge different. Nothing beats spending quality time with her. That's blissful in a nutshell. Money may buy you bags, clothes and jewelleries, but there's something money can't buy. And that's happiness. I thankful each and everyday i have her by my side, sharing every moments in our lives. Can Money buy you that?


  1. wow, suddenly so many new posts! good work damien! hehe! hey, where's the prawn noodles located? i duno where u work wor .. u make it sound so nice!!

  2. hey thanks yl! Thanks for your continous support!~!~! btw, the prawn noodles stall is located at Pasir Panjang Road. It's beside the caltex petrol station, opposite MAS factory. Maybe Jan will be able to explain better. ;)

  3. wah all so far so one .. i single leh, no one bring me there eat .. hehe

  4. need me to intro guys to you? maybe i'll check with jan on your preference, ;)
