Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas 2005

230, Victoria St
#B1-29A, Bugis Junction
Singapore 188024
Phone : (65-) 63331098

After a long and tiring high key ICT, i'm very glad for any rest, especially if it's a public holiday! We decided to go for dinner to celebrate this joyous day. But anywhere today, there's loads and loads of people. I guess like what dear said, ICT have taken my brain somewhere else. :P

We made our way to Bugis Junction, having half a mind to have our dinner at V8 or some Japanese Restaurant there. Walked passed Crystal Jade Macau at B1 and we were thinking why not we try this special branch of the Crystal Jade Restaurant.

There were plently of seats available here. I guess everyone else were making their way to their Christmas Dinner. Have heard about there Macau Pork Chop bun for a while and having been wanting to try them.

1. The Macau Pork Chop Bun ( 4/5)

The bun was surprisingly soft on the inside and cruchy on the outside. The set came with a piece of some soy-sauce braised Chicken Wing. The pork chop was juicy and tender. But the serving was kind of small. Somehow the meat within reminded me of teriyaki chicken. Perhas it's the sauce they used to glazed the Pork Chop. Will come back for this again.

2. The Deep Fried Shrimp Pasted Chicken Wings ( 4.5/5 )

This was by far one of the better dish of the night. Big and juciy chicken wings were used and deep fried to a crispy outside and steamingly hot and juciy inside. All the natural flavours of the chicken and the subtle frangrance of the shrimp paste burst out with each bite. Shiok!~!~

3. Special Egg White Fried Rice with Crab meat ( 3.5/5)

Nothing to rave abt for this plate of fried rice. Kind of bland actually. But the rice was fried till soft and they dun clot together like most fried rice i cooked does. Perhaps it's a tart balnd because they dun uses the egg yolk for the dish. And yes there's crab meat inside.

4. Macau style baked rice ( 0.5/5)

Didn't took a picture of it. After finishing the earlier dishes, ths Macau style baked rice came last. It's basically a a clay-pan-fulk of rice and poured over it the so call Macau style sauce. When i tasted it, it kind of puts me off. Have to mixed it with loads of the fried chilli sauce they have and some soy-sauce before i could put it inside my mouth.

The Macau sauce looked a bit like our curry sauce except the fact that it tasted very wierd. I attributes it to usung fresh milk rather than coconut milk for that unique taste. The chicken chunks were huge and juicy. Once is enough. will definately give this dish a miss.

After dinner, dear felt like having some desserts. We walked passed Beard Papa and they have this Christmas Chocolate Fondant thingy. We bought 2 to try. I would say there were very good!~!~ the chocolate within was thick and creamy yet not too sweet. I guess they used some sort of bitter sweet chocolate. Definately worth the try.

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