Saturday, December 31, 2005

Tong Shui - Dessert Cafe along Kim Seng Road

54 Zion Road
Singapore 247779
( opp Great World City, traffic direction towards town )

Sometime back, a colleague mass-sent an email regarding this seemingly fusion-style dessert. Located at Kim Seng Road, one will have a hard time finding the cafe, which is situated on the ground floor of the post-independence shophouses, directly opposite Great World City ( direction towards the city ) hidden away by the trees and bushes along the road.

Have been wanting to go try their desserts since then but we couldn't find the cafe. It was by fate that we chanced upon the cafe a couple of weeks ago. We were at River Vallery having our usual late night supper that night ( cheese prata, kosong prata and teh ping for her , 2 egg and ice cold coke for myself ). After all that makan, we decide to take a stroll back home. The wind that night was very welcoming, feels a bit like walking in a air-conditioned shopping mall.

We were enjoying each other's company when we saw this decently litted cafe coming up infront of us. Anticipation escalating, we wondered if it was the same Tong Shui Cafe that we have beening looking forward to try. As we moved closer, we knew we hit the jackpot as Tong Shui has its distinctive logo which read TONG SHUI. The inside of the cafe looks comfortable enough. Square wooden tables and chairs, huge plasma tv showing SCV channels, well-litted, friendly staffs. The al-fresco dinning area looks even more promising when night falls. The area is separated from the main dining area by the passageway and the strategtically located plants-decorated-to-look-like-christams-trees( bushes).

If not for the supper earlier, we would have stopped and pay this cafe a visit. Sensibilty won that night but we promised to return to visit Tong Shui soon. Last night we did. After having a dim sum dinner with dear and her family, girlfriend asked if i've got any craving. I could almost sensed it coming, i knew her mind was wondering somewhere when she didn't finished off the remaining Siew Mais, the Shrimp-Paste Chicken, the Sam-Luo Ho-Fan.... We den made our way down to Tong Shui for some dessert.

We chose the al-fresco dining area to enjoy the cooling night breeze and the dim-lighting ambience. The menu are very nicely done up. We were however disappointed with the choice of the menu. Tong Shui - meaning sweet water literally, should have an impressive menu of desserts available to the customers. making them spoilt for choices. However this was not the case. Only a few desserts stand out among the little choices they have. Things dun look good...

Apart from deserts, they also serve cooked instant noodles, toast breads, ice creams, hot and cold drinks, dim sums. Girlfriend ordered the peanut Tang-Yuans in ginger soup-base while i went for the mango and pomelo in shaved ice. .. We also ordered a serving of the Sharkfin dumpling to try.

The stuffed peanut tang-yuan are very nice but the ginger based soup... it was HOT!~! Hot as in Chilli HOT!~!~... If the soup was meant to serve as a delightful punch to the dessert, the one we had serves a knock-out. Luckily the Tang Yuan was very good.

My Pomelo and Mango delight was refreshing change from the usual Da-Mai or Chendols we usually have. The mango chunks packs yet another powerful punch to the otherwise sweet dessert. The pomelo meat were very good!~!~! My first time trying out a dessert this special. However the shaved ice could have done better. I think the texture was cause by over-compressing the shaved ice into the ball. Minus points there.

Perhaps we will return to try the rest of their menu ( non-dessert ) and enjoy each other 's company in a comfy enviroment.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas 2005

230, Victoria St
#B1-29A, Bugis Junction
Singapore 188024
Phone : (65-) 63331098

After a long and tiring high key ICT, i'm very glad for any rest, especially if it's a public holiday! We decided to go for dinner to celebrate this joyous day. But anywhere today, there's loads and loads of people. I guess like what dear said, ICT have taken my brain somewhere else. :P

We made our way to Bugis Junction, having half a mind to have our dinner at V8 or some Japanese Restaurant there. Walked passed Crystal Jade Macau at B1 and we were thinking why not we try this special branch of the Crystal Jade Restaurant.

There were plently of seats available here. I guess everyone else were making their way to their Christmas Dinner. Have heard about there Macau Pork Chop bun for a while and having been wanting to try them.

1. The Macau Pork Chop Bun ( 4/5)

The bun was surprisingly soft on the inside and cruchy on the outside. The set came with a piece of some soy-sauce braised Chicken Wing. The pork chop was juicy and tender. But the serving was kind of small. Somehow the meat within reminded me of teriyaki chicken. Perhas it's the sauce they used to glazed the Pork Chop. Will come back for this again.

2. The Deep Fried Shrimp Pasted Chicken Wings ( 4.5/5 )

This was by far one of the better dish of the night. Big and juciy chicken wings were used and deep fried to a crispy outside and steamingly hot and juciy inside. All the natural flavours of the chicken and the subtle frangrance of the shrimp paste burst out with each bite. Shiok!~!~

3. Special Egg White Fried Rice with Crab meat ( 3.5/5)

Nothing to rave abt for this plate of fried rice. Kind of bland actually. But the rice was fried till soft and they dun clot together like most fried rice i cooked does. Perhaps it's a tart balnd because they dun uses the egg yolk for the dish. And yes there's crab meat inside.

4. Macau style baked rice ( 0.5/5)

Didn't took a picture of it. After finishing the earlier dishes, ths Macau style baked rice came last. It's basically a a clay-pan-fulk of rice and poured over it the so call Macau style sauce. When i tasted it, it kind of puts me off. Have to mixed it with loads of the fried chilli sauce they have and some soy-sauce before i could put it inside my mouth.

The Macau sauce looked a bit like our curry sauce except the fact that it tasted very wierd. I attributes it to usung fresh milk rather than coconut milk for that unique taste. The chicken chunks were huge and juicy. Once is enough. will definately give this dish a miss.

After dinner, dear felt like having some desserts. We walked passed Beard Papa and they have this Christmas Chocolate Fondant thingy. We bought 2 to try. I would say there were very good!~!~ the chocolate within was thick and creamy yet not too sweet. I guess they used some sort of bitter sweet chocolate. Definately worth the try.

Jeffery and Grace's wedding dinner

Attended Jeffery and Grace's Traditional Chinese Wedding Dinner on the 18th of Dec 2005 at the Swisotel @ the Stamford. I was actually midway thru my high key ICT and after the dinner ( or rather half-way thru i had to leave for camp as there was a Bn Ex early monday morning).

Would write about the in-camp somewhere else. Anyway we took quite a number of photos. Seriously thinking of getting a better digital camera.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Family Lunch at the Crystal Jade

Dear asked me a question today. She was refering to an associate of hers, how she seems to be enjoying life. Dear asked if i felt that she ( that associate ) is indeed happy. On the surface, she will come across as a very happy person, nonchalant about things happening around her. However i thought there was something cold about the way she expressed her happiness.

I liken it to having a huge party. Everyone were invited and you're the star of the night. Everyone commments how lovely you look, how well the dress complements your figure. You dance all night long, stalking the limelight. After the mascarade's over, after everyone left, what's left is only herself. That kind of lonesome one-dimensional happiness which seemingly eludes everyone, everyone with parnters..

Dear shared the same feeling as me. She knows me as a peron who dun wishes for too much excitement along the journey, i just wish to be able to spend quality time with her, doing anything will be fine. Getting lost together, stuffing ourselves stupid, talking about each others plan for the future. Just as long as it spending time together with her.

Isn't it what happiness is supposed to be? Simple and unpretentious.

Today we had a family lunch. My parents, my sis, my nephew Dylan, dear and myself hit the Crystal Jade Restaurant at Great World City this afternoon for a Dim Sum Lunch. It is always a pleasant experience that the family can sit down and have a meal together. Particularly so today as Dylan's staying over the weekends.

We basically stuff ourselves silly with the "Pork Porridge", "Fish Porridge with Century Eggs", "Spare Ribs Noodles", "Fried Beancurd stuffed with seafood and pork", "Egg tarts", "Har Gaos", "Siew Mais", "Braised Chicken Feet","Claypot of Yam and Chicken" , " Sweet and Sour Pork","Xiao Long Baos" ...

I promise to get my acts ( food photography) together. and dear, let's do Dim Sum again, soon.

Free Books from Popular

Read about the book titled "Urban Legends" off Sunday Times today and chanced upon it at Popular. But guess what. It cost SGD$0.00 a copy. I have prove....

Saturday, December 10, 2005

What a night

Went back to office this morning to clear some paperwork for the SMU Project that i'm handling. After which i made my way down to dear's place. Got my all-time favourite Prawn Noodle from the stall near my workplace, the soup version for dear cause she can't really take hot stuffs, and the dry version for myself. I like it with the extra chilli.

What's so different about the prawn noodles from this stall as compared to others ( read "Ren Ren Da Xia Mian" ) ? Well for a start, their soup is the main reason why people come back time after time for their prawn noodles. Unlike most other prawn noodles stall ( of course with the exception of the famous prawn noodle stall at Adams Road, or the one at MacPherson, or the one at Commonwealth Drive ), the soup base taste simply wonderful. You can taste the full favours of fresh suculent prawns in the soup. And the best of all, the sweetness of the soup comes from the fresh prawns, unlike others which uses lot's of palm sugar or MSG to make thier version of the soup more "sweet". My bet is that they have an evil conspiracy with the coffeeshop, an evil conspiracy to make people thristy so they will get more drinks...

Anyway, their homemade chilli sauce is one of the best i've tried. Mixed in the freshly cooked noodles and fried pork lard, the bowl of dry prawn noodles is ready to be devour..... In their bowl of prawn noodles, you'll find around 4 to 5 pieces of fresh boiled and deviled prawns. Their not as big as the ones that the Adam Rd stall sells, but definately as fresh, if not fresher.

Anyway, i got 2 packets to go. Buying up to have it for lunch with dear since her parents went out to send the wedding invitation for Jeffery's big day. Metup with a very interesting taxi-driver who nearly drove me crazy listening to his jokes and life stories...

In the evening we headed out to Parkway Parade to shop. Bought a gift for dear's friend, shopped around. Happen to see something interesting there.

Wanted to have Bah Kut Teh for dinner at Balestier but we somehow missed our way and ended having a late dinner at Holland Drive. Dinner was a huge serving of hearty XO Fish Bee Hoon and and equally huge serving of Hah Jiong Gai ( Prawn paste chicken ). Those Fish slices they use are damn thick!~!~ freshness wise, tonight was a bit off the mark but then again overall was a great dinner and we both enjoyed it.

Actually i think we were just plain hungry. But company does makes a huge different. Nothing beats spending quality time with her. That's blissful in a nutshell. Money may buy you bags, clothes and jewelleries, but there's something money can't buy. And that's happiness. I thankful each and everyday i have her by my side, sharing every moments in our lives. Can Money buy you that?

TV Advertisement : Cap Ayam Brand Rice

Just being extremely curious. Notice the TV Advertisement for this particular "Cap Ayam" brand of Rice? Buy a bag of rice from them and get a tin of sardines free...Sounds like not too bad a deal til one realise the offer is only available to the 50KG pack of rice purchased. 50kg! Just wondering how many of us actually do buy 50KG pack of rice, not to say to buy a 50KG pack of rice to get that free tin of sardines.

Mathematics :

A 5-kg pack of ( SongHe / Royal Umbrella / Flying Man ) Rice costs around SGD$10.00... So pound for pound, a 50gk pack will most likely cost SGD$10.00 x ( 50kg / 5kg ) = $100.00;

A tin of Sardines = lebih kurang SGD$1.20;

So how is it mathematically justifiable to buy a 50kg bag of rice to get a tin of free sardines?

Friday, December 9, 2005

Bali Thai Restaurant

Bali Thai Restaurant
IMM Building, Jurong East St 21
Level 1 besides Giordano

Went to fetch GF after work. After much discussion on where to have dinner, we decided to try this particular restaurant "Bali Thai" ( at the IMM ) that we have passed by a couple of times.

I would say the ambience is cosy enough to sit down, enjoy a little chat over dinner with your family and friends. The soft lighting, the ethnic dressing of the staffs. The seats were comfortable, thou the table was a little small . Anyway we were curious about the food they serve and we thought what better occasion than today to check it out?

As the name implies, Bali-Thai serves fusion Indonesian and Thai cuisine. We didn't really noticed if it was Halal-certified but we dun really remember seeing pork on the menu.

For starters, we had the Special Thai Fishcakes.

They tasted really like Otah fishcake. There were visible bits of herbs inside them. We were disappointed with this starter as it lacks the freshness of seafood but had the added "artificial " taste of commercial ready-made otah fishcakes. Nothing to rave about. ( 2/5 )

Next up we had the all-time favourite, the Tahu Telur ( Deep Fried Beancurd). This was too, quite okie, but nothing to rave about either. The accompanying peanut sauce was a tad too spicy. ( 3/8 )

Thai Black Olive Fried Rice. Was deciding between either Thai Pineapple Rice or the Thai Black Olive Rice. Hmmm... So we asked the staff about their Thai Black Olive Rice and somehow he came across to us as being not that familiar with the dishes that Bali Thai serves. Anyway i remember i did ask him him if one serving was big enough for two person ( if the serving is small, then we'll probably get the Pineapple rice in those huge half pineapples ). He told us it's enough for two. Guess what, the plate above was the exact serving portion. Lol... Gonna order more dishes.... Taste wise, nothing special about it. ( 2/5)

Ayam Pangang. This was by far the best dish the whole evening. According to the menu, it is chicken grilled over charcoal in a special Bali sauce. The meat was a little bit dry but still okie. The favour was one of a sweet and salty, kindof like soya sauce braised chicken except that this was grilled. ( 3.5/5 )

Oh ya we had this tall glass of Ice Thai Tea. According to our blur waiter, it supposedly should taste like Ice Teh Su-Su. Hmmm.... It that case, this should be one pretenious glass of milk tea isn't it. Gotta try it!~! GF suspected that coconut mlik could have been added for that extra sweetness. To me, this was an excellent glass of ice milk tea. I ordered Ice Thai Tea, not Teh bin..... ( 4/5)

For desserts we have Thai Mango with Sweet Rice. Basically it's glutinous rice with sliced fresh mangoes. This is one simple yet greating tasting dish. Both of us enjoyed it tremendously. ( 5/5 )

The bill came up to about SGD$45. Considering the portion that were served, the quality of the dishes, the service from the staffs... i would say quite okie but then i would not come again for the main dishes, perhaps the desserts, the drinks and the starters.

A point to note is, the ambience is really cosy. So i would say apart from the quality of the food served, GF and myself enjoyed the evening very much. What better ways to spent the evening than to sit down, have a meal with your love ones? Chatting over dinner, i guess food binds the both of us together even closer.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

cooking @ home

We had a heavy breakfast today. I mean a really heavy one. We had duck rice and noodles, not to meantion that plate of meat was loaded with sliced braised duck meat, duck liver and eggs. On top of that we also had a plate of Fried Carrot Cake ala Bukit Timah Style. We were damn full after the breakfast that my darling J decide not to have lunch afterwards....

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Anyway we inititally wanted to go to the Food Fair/Exhibition at Expo but considering the amount of food we had, we decided to give it a miss. Instead, we head on down to West Mall to "see-see-look-look". After a while, we decided to adjourned to IMM where we will get some ingredients back home to cook.

Theme for the Sunday dinner was red meat. J basically gone bonkers knowing that i have, yet again, ruined her diet plans. Anyway, we've got 300gm miniced pork, 3 slices of pork chops, a tin of pineapples in syrup, a box of pre-cut fruits, bread crumps, cheese....

I decide to try my luck at remaking the chops at Cartel. After cleaning up the meat, i pat them dry with paper towels before i slightly seasoned them with salt and pepper. While those chops R&R in the fridge, i cut up the pineapple rings and put them in the blender. The idea is to create a pineapple sauce. Turns out pretty okie i would say, jus that the pineapple sauce ( inheritent from the canned pineapple ) was a bit too sour than usual. I guess it sort of gave the sauce that extra punch of tanginess.

With the pan hot with some oil, i seared each sides of the chops at high heat for about a minute or so. After which i flipped them over and let them cook for another 5 minutes. Checking periodically to ensire the chops were browned evenly on both side. on the plate, J had me to pour some of the pineapple sauce on it. The chops was den served on a plate with freshly made pineapple sauce base, with fries to go.

J on the other hand decide to try her luck at making Japanese corochan-style burger-patties. The twist to her creation was the piece of hidden cheese in between the meat.

First she marinated the meat ( all 300gms of it ) with 1 teaspoon of sugar, some pepper to taste, 4 cloves of chopped garlic, 2 tablespoon of oyster sauce and a dash of brandy. After mixing them well, the mixture was invited to the fridge to sit for a while to let the marinate work it's way into the meat.

After about 30 minutes, we retrieve the mixture from the fridge. J had another interesting idea; she wanted to made rectangluar meat patties. The concept was to place a slice of cheese into the meat patties and ensure that the cheese is well covered within the patties. Roll them into shape like this...

Dipped the patties into a bowl of beatedn up eggs and coat them with the bread crumbs. After the oil is hot enough, we deep fried these patties til golden brown ( i sucks at deep frying stuff so i kinda of fried them til brown instead of golden brown.. will do better next time round )

These patties were served with toasted baguette, mayonnaise and tomatoes. Personally, i think J did a much better job than i had. I didn't do the pork chop justice. But the patties that J did was juicy and tasty. The outside crust, thou a bit brown, was crunchy but the inside was filled with surprises. Basically the meat juices were flowing out with each single bite. And the chesse jus ozzoes out of it. How we ate it was cut a small slice of baguette, spread some mayo on top, put a slice of tomato and top it of with a small portion of the patty. It's really very good. 4.5 out of 5 stars!

J never failed to amaze me each and everyday. And cooking up a mean burger patty was blasting my imagination out of proportions. Dear if you'er reading this, drop the diet idea yeah. ;)

Monday, November 7, 2005

Chippy's British Take-away : Beer-Battered-Fish

After reading reviews of it off She Bakes and She Cooks, J and I decided to try it today as we made our way to Far East Plaza.

Located on the basement one of Far East Plaza, one could hardly miss it for it had a huge Union Jack logo for it's signboard. A small setup; we were served by 2 young ladies, one will serve the customers, another will prepare the food. Quite a well oil system they have in there i would say everything was done in military precision.

Business was relatively good. We observed how families and groupies walked away with litttle black bowls of Fried Mars Bar and a scoop of ice-cream. Those calories-and-cholesterol-bombs must be good!~!~!~! Can feel J was very tempted to try, only to see she exercise control for the fact that she's attending my colleague's wedding with me next week.

After waiting for a couple of minutes, our order was ready. We ordered the BBF ( Beer-Battered-Fish $4plus). I had half a mind ( well, over 95%) to try the Hot-and-Chessy Chicken strips but sensiblity won me over and i decided against it.
Holy mama.. the serving is huge!~!~! 12 pieces of fried fish fillets with an equal amount of chips in it! You get to choose between 2 types of sauses. One is the Salt-and-Vinegar , or alteratively you could get the Ketchup-and-Mayo. The fish fillets were fresh, not a hint of fishy-ness in them. However i would have thought a small slice of lemon on the side and a little bit more of salt would have done this BBF a lot more justice. But a great alternative to LJS/Mac/KFC/etc etc nonetheless.

Jus a note of advice. As often associated with great tasting food, this stuff could clot the thickest and most flexible arteries so eat with caution yeah. Sound the cholesterol Alert! This stuff shoulda have some sort of a health advisory message yeah. "Not meant for single comsumption"/ Pregnant women, or people with high cholesterol/ heart dieases should avoid this like at all cost! But it's good stuff. Just try to drink more tea ( Chinese Tea- Oolong tea ) to wash the oil down. oh and if time permits, exercise more too.

Got our food and we went up to the 7-11 to get a drink. Surprise surprise.. This 7-11 outlet is a new-concept. Open air and with tea-tables and chairs, bar-stools, this mean we could get a drink and sit down inside this 7-11 and eat away. Kind of like a little cafe. And yes, that's our favourite drink, the Super Big Glup.

For my one and only loyal reader *grin*

Food & Restaurant Review: Yuki Yaki

Satellite photos of the tepanyaki. A careful second look will review the pork belly( bellies) browning perfectly in butter, Char-Siew pork getting a good tan as well, 2 lonely prawns basking under the sun, not forgetting thr 2 mixed-mushroom balls. This is the photo of our fist round with the tepanyaki. J was sitting there, making herself pretty, while putting the raw meat into the tepanyaki occasionally. I was constantly making my ways to the shelves where the food were placed.
1st round : 1 plate of Pork-Belly, some Garlic-Spring Onion Pork, Char-Siew Pork, assorted greens, 2 eggs, prawns, sotong, salmon,saba, chicken wings,tofu, fishballs, udon (2 bowls )...

We passed by this restaurant the first time we went to Marina Square after its renovation and was told by this auntie that the food there was very nice and the ice-cream is a 'must have'. But that time, we went for the purpose of trying out Carl Jr and therefore, have to give the restaurant a miss.

Finally, on tuesday, we decided to go Yuki Yaki for dinner. It was around 8pm when we reached and when we were finally served after waiting for around 10 minutes (we were the 3rd in queue), the waitress told us that the last order is at 9.15pm and asked whether it was okie. Since we were both really hungry (for missing lunch), we decided to go ahead.

The table was very spacious, especially for 2 of us. I think it can seat up to 5 -6 pax comfortably. Instead of the usual steamboat/tepanyaki buffet we saw which combined both together, Yuki Yaki cleverly separate the both of them. The good thing is you won't be splashed by the oil while you take the steamboat food.

Anyway, we literally attacked the food once we got our table. We took sushi and some appetizer like green peas, octopus to munch on first while the raw food were cooking. They are not stingy with their food - in fact, they had wide variety of meat and steamboat ingredients.

Some of the 'must haves'...

1. Pork Belly which i loves a lot. We took 4 rounds and even cover the entire tepanyaki pot with the pork belly. How we ate it was to dip it in a mixture of egg when it is really hot and after that, soya sauce. J also tried the korean stlye - wrapped it up with lettuce, with some egg and soya sauce ( 5/5);

2. Lamb chop. Becoz it was heaty, J only took a piece to share. It is well seasoned and there was no 'sao wei'. It actually tastes like satay. But i kind of overcooked it. Nevertheless it was good!~!~!~; (5/5)

3. Chicken wing. They cleverly cut the chicken wing in the middle and this way, it cook really fast. It's a really goot tip next time for bbq. We couldn't get enough of those. Could hardly taste the marinate thou, but the meat was still juicy (3/5)

4. Char Siew Pork. Really sweet and juicy. Even thou it dun really taste like the usual char siew from the market stall. but it is well marinated meat. Worth the try ( 4/5)

Some of the sauce we recoommend:
1. Sesame seed with soya sauce - although i feel that it can be more salt-ier.
2. Soya sauce with garlic
3. Egg. Yes, raw egg. If they have spring onions, it would be better. I learn this way of eating from J's dad coz he always mix egg with spring onions and soya sauce during CNY reunion dinner.

At around 9pm, the waitress came to take our last order. We switch over to another table for our ice-cream. The ice-cream was nothing to rave about except for it novelty.

Overall the food was great. Service was excellent. The waitress who served us gave us another table for the ice-cream since they were about to close. The table was wide and spacious and i think 4 to 5 people can seat comfortably.

Another must-have/must-try is their chicken soup base for the steamboat. It was fantastic!~!~!~! Very different from all other soup base we've had outside. And after cooking tons of prawns, mushrooms, scallops, vegs... the soup was heavenly. Another plus will be their service. The food were replenished relatively fast and the quality was very good as well. Only wished that they have thinly sliced pork and chicken available.

The bill came to about $47 - $1 extra for PH and $2 for the ice-cream. Considering the drinks were free flow, the quality of the food as well as the level of service rendered to us, this was a good bargain! Definately will return to try again, soon.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Pink Sunday

Read off IMBB that the theme was "Pink" so i suggested to dear that perhaps we could try cooking something up with fits the theme. She had a great idea; making a "pink" theme soup in an yin-yang setup. Basically one side of it will be a red base soup while the other side a white cream based soup. Hence wheen u mixed the 2 together you'll get a pink soup.

Sounds interesting but we sort of gave up the idea cause we thought we do with a more filling dinner. We spent 1 hour plus shopping at Cold Storage, thinking of the ingredients to get. Since it was kind of an impromtu idea that we try cooking something up in pink, the joy was in spending quality time together and enjoying each other's company.

As usual, we have brunch on Sundays. We settle for bruch at Tiong Bahru Market. There's so much food there that anyone will be spoilt for choice!~!~! Somehow i was having a huge craving for "Lor Mee", not just the normal "Lor Mee" but the one with the fried fillets of shark. Yum Yum... ( disclaimer: I can understand the reason why some people refused to take shark's fin or shark's meat, i have even heard of reasons like sharks isn't a sort of meat cultivated for food. But hey, if u do take sushi, most of the produce you'll eat ain't "cultivated for food" either. It's about choice; i respect your choice and i hope u too will respect mine too ;) )

Anyway back to the topic. I had a very cheap and good bowl of "Lor Mee" fiilled with lots of bean sprots, fried fish, fish cakes, lean pork and a thick and high quality gravy. There was so much stuff inside the bowl of "Lor Mee" that i could hardly mix my noodles well!!~!~~! Oh by the way the stall is "Tiong Bahru Lor Mee" and for a bowl of noodle like what i had, it's just $3.

I like mine with lots of vinegar and minced garlic. I also like some chopped chilli padis. I enjoy the kick they give when i bite chew thru them. Shiok!~!~!~ I'm definately going back for the "Lor Mee" even it means i will have to queue for 20 minutes.

Dear had our all0time favourite nasi lemak. Those $1.90 ones are quite good. Actually dear jus like the FRIED chicken wings, the FRIED luncheon meat and the FRIED cuttlefish fillet. Actually i also lah, i admit i'm a hard-core FRIED chicken wing fan. lolz...

After our late breakfast, we went to Great World City to see-see look-look. But before we went to shop at Cold Storage, we couldn't help but walk into this Japanese Restaurant at the basement of GWC. Our eyes were treated to a feast of bright colours ( the Orange of Salmon, the Red of Tuna, the Green of Wasabi).. But what catches our eyes were the variety of Californian Rolls ( Lobster C.R, Fried Salmon CR, Salmon and Avocado Salad C.R,...) We have yet again fallen prey to the great tatics that restuarants employ these days. Bearing in mind we just had breakfast, we bought only a lobster Californian Roll and a set of those sweet-saltish bean curd rolls.

After gobbling up the food, we finally decided to pay cold storage a visit. Went around looking for ingredients for our experiment. Wanted to do chicken but was cracking our heads on how to make a pink theme out of chicken. After some discussion, we decided to do a pink salmon pasta and a pink dessert. Finally we have a concept of what we wanna so. Now it's really shopping time.

The rewards : a packet of pre-processed salmon belly, a tin of tomato paste, a tin of tomatoes in tomatoe juice, a cup of fresh cream, a box of " Konniakyu" jelly powder, a box of fresh strawberries, a packet of pasta. Now it's time to go back and experiment!~!~! Well not before dropping by at Auntie Anne's for a Sour Cream Pretzel.

it's getting late. Gotta sleep now else tomorrow orh-bak kat... Talk about the food tomorrow ;)

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Dinner @ IMM's Crunchy Carrot Cafe & Restaurant

The last day of my 2-day long Certified Installer Course. After which managed to leave early so met up with dear at Jurong Point. Shopped around looking for toys and clothes for Dylan but didn't managed to get the ones we wanted ( or rather what Dylan will like ). Subsquently we made our way to IMM for our dinner.

Settled at the Crunchy Carrot Cafe & Restaurant. I had my usual Wanton Mee Soup. Dear had ,let me see, Alfredo pasta, and one Chicken Supreme pizza. Lolz. I meant we shared the food.

Let's see some pictures...

The Alfredo pasta. Very nice i would say. Creamy and jammed packed with ingredients. Lots of ham and bacons and peas.... ( 4/5 )

My favourite. The Wanton Mee Soup. The noodles were al dante. The char siew slightly on the unhealthy side ( lot's of fat ) and the huge wantons which even dear ( a self-taught wanton mee expert agrees with me when i asked her to try the soup and the wantons. ) ( 5/5 )

The Chicken Supreme Pizza. The crust is good. but i tot the pizza could use some more salt in it. apart from that, the amount of sauce was jus nice, and the serving is quite generous. ( 3/5 )

To the guy in blue shirt ( we presumme u're the manager ) Your service is excellent. You are polite, friendly and always smiling. Perhaps you could teach a thing or two to your colleague Ms Annie Low ( Your name's printed on the reciept ) who was manning the cashier station. She's like so unfriendly, cold and quiet. I was starting to wonder if she has hearingg problem after i asked her repeatedly how much was the bill. I basically had to look at the cashier machine to see the amount. After she handed me the reciept , i said thanks. She did something fantastic. She gently nodded her head. Wah.. i owe her one ah? lolz. Nevertheless dear and myself enjoyed our dinner. Will never allow such unfortunate events from spoilting the time i share with dear.