Monday, April 10, 2006


Have gone thru a bad patch these days. to make things simple, i lost my laptop, my work, my everything in a car breakin. Have been, and will be fire fighting to salvage my work so when i'm done i'll be back.

Sincerest Regards


  1. hi damien! read on ah jan's blog abt the break in! hang in there k! :)
    so sorry had been so busy no time to read urs or jan's blog

    jan if u c this, so sorry ah! haha, coz ur posts always long wif lots of theory one, a bit tired to read! hahaha, ok will start reading back next wk!

  2. hope everything will go smoothly for ya after all these..

  3. hi FT,

    Thanks a lot ;) hope you enjoy your vacation job ;)
