Sunday, October 2, 2005

Saturday Nite out to Griller's

After dinner, we went down to TBP for a little after-dinner "stroll"... Okie okie the real reason was dear had a sudden bolt of craving for MacDonald's Chocolate Sundae. Hmmmm... So we made our way down, shopped around the mall a while. The perfume store at level 1 is having a sale. Well sort of.. Anyway i was abt to get another bottle of perfume as well so no harm taking a look.

After walking a while, we started to feel a little bit hungry. As dear puts it, it jus "mouth itchy".

so we head on to the "Griller Restaurant" on Level 4.

Wanted to get the Hawaiian Pizza but was told that they had run out of it. So after flipping thru the menu, we ordered the American Chicken Chop instead. And also 2 mugs of Root Beer Float. Griller's had this sort of roof-top Al-fresco dinning experience pull to it that dear and myself enjoy very much. How nice to enjoy a drink under the stars, with the gentle breeze brushing past our face, not to mention, in the company of your love ones. I mean isn't this the sort of life we longed for? To have someone you love by your side, enjoying each other's company...

Okie , back to the topic. It took longer than usual to see the food arrive at out table. And when it does on that night, both of us were stunned/shocked/traumatised/( fill in the other similar words here ). The serving was pathetically small~!

The first time i was truely disappointed with Griller's. It was different from wat we saw on the menu!~!~! Anyway dear, in her usual non-picky-abt-food attitude finished the food pretty well.

Isn't it great to have someone by your side who ain't picky abt her food? Yeah!~!~!
Total bill came up to less than $20. Not too bad considering the ambience was nice and the staffs were friendly ( why except one who told us they dun serve plain water here. This i find amusing, F&Bs keeping a glass of plain water away from their clients) Down side was the it closed quite early ( 2130) even on weekends.


  1. Yes... I agree that Griller's food is very small potion... I passed by and saw some ppl eating... so we decided not to go there!

  2. yup. there potion quite small but the quality wise is still edible. Maybe can go there for a drink and enjoy yourself there.
