Thursday, September 29, 2005

Mooncake Festival

This post is on the dinner we had at my place for the Mooncake Festival. I'm Hokkien so the food served at these festivals were mostly Hokkien style, cook by our in-house chef, my mum. J and myself enjoyed the food very much.

Hokkien style Fried Meatballs and Fried Prawns in batter

This is sort of a family dish which my mum will cook for every festive occasions from Chinese New Year to birthdays to simple potluck to Mooncake Festivals to Hungry Ghost Festivals to my grandparents death anniversaries... But i kindof had to avoid eating prawns to lower the puric acidlevel in my blood. But meatballs.... J and i adores them!~!~! Dip them into the sweet black sauce and pop them into the mouth.... Hmmm i think my birthday is coming again...wahahahaha

Simple and delicious stir fried kailan in oyster sauce

This is by far the most simply-done up dish on the table that night. I love how mum cooks this dish. Usually the veg she cooked appears and tasted as if they had been serving in Iraq and Afganistan. But that day, the kailan were done up very beautifully with a slight hint of garlic, with every bite oozing out the delectable oyster sauce... One more bowl of rice!~!~!~

Hokkien Style Fried Yee-Mian with lots of seafood

Now this is the interesting part. J and myself weren't a great fan of Yee-Mian but the one we had was quite okie!~!~! Actually i jus love the sotongs and fishcakes and the yellow/orange thingy inside the noodle dish.... But i was kind of disappointed that mum didn't cooked the all-time Hokkien favourite, the Tang-Hoon. It is actually a simple stir fry Tang-Hoon ( like bee hoon ) dish. Anyway it's great to see J enjoys the dinner. ;)

Roast Duck ( my fav!~!~!~~!!~)

I believe the dish on the left needs no introduction. It's my favourite Roast Duck!~!~! i have come to a conclusion: Roast Duck plays a major role in my life. When i'm happy, i eat them, when i'm sad i eat them.. To J : Pls dun take my roast duck away from me okie... :lol:

Which part of the roast duck do u prefer? i love the neck and the breast.... Not much a duck-thigh person i guess. Plus i know J's also a huge Roast Duck fan. She just hates to admit it ;)

There were also Pig's Stomach soup with lots of button mushrooms in a hot and peppery soup base. ( Mum put the pepper balls on the over-drive that night ), Steam fish and what else let me think... There were other dishes but we couldn't press the button on the camera no more. It's feasting time~!~~!

After dinner we went outside to play with Dylan. We lighted candles ( lots of it like me and my sibblings used to do every year on Mooncake Festival ) and of course good old papper laterns.

Mum asked J if she wanted to have eggs. Can also see J's blur face from the door. It turns out that the "eggs" were made from agar-agar. The yoke part was orange based jelly while the egg white was made out of condensed milk.

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